What is Tradity?

Tradity is a young educational initiative for students with the aim of fundamentally changing and improving financial education in Germany. Tradity aims to make education more digital, entertaining and individual: True to the motto “Gamifying Education”, Tradity teaches young people about business, finance and the stock market via the annual Tradity competition, in which participants can apply their knowledge and trade shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in real time. Tradity works together with the consumer advice center and professors from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, among others, on the learning content and is supported by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in Schleswig-Holstein, among others. To date, more than 20,000 students from over 250 schools throughout Germany have taken part in the competition and the associated final event.

We are a student initiative of the WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management. Our Tradity meets WHU event takes place every year on the campus in Vallendar and is supported by WHU every year.

The Tradity Executive Team

Picture of Nicolas Pottmeier

Nicolas Pottmeier

General Manager

Picture of Julius Busch

Julius Busch


Picture of Tobias Redhardt

Tobias Redhardt


Picture of Yannick Peters

Yannick Peters


Picture of Max Felsing

Max Felsing


Picture of Anton Petuchow

Anton Petuchow

Event Organization

Picture of Julian Jürgens

Julian Jürgens

Tradity Talent Network

Picture of Nicolaas Hoogklimmer

Nicolaas Hoogklimmer

Tech & Design

Picture of Philip Becker

Philip Becker


Tradity & WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management

Tradity has been an initiative run by students at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar since 2014. At its core, the initiative comprises a team that organizes the Tradity competition relay on an annual basis. The final event “Tradity Meets WHU” has also been held on the WHU campus in Vallendar since 2015. In addition, Tradity receives extensive support from WHU professors, WHU students and other WHU initiatives and is thus rooted in the culture of WHU.

Tradity Vorstand

Picture of Maximilian Mandel

Maximilian Mandel

Management Board

Picture of Ole Frerichs

Ole Frerichs

Chairman of the Management Board

Picture of Deniz Yusuf Korkmaz

Deniz Yusuf Korkmaz

Management Board

Picture of Florian Schibber

Florian Schibber

Management Board

Picture of Lars Thoma

Lars Thoma

Management Board

Picture of Kiyanusch Braun

Kiyanusch Braun

Management Board

Thanks to our alumni

Oliver Poetsch – Philipp Eckert – Nick Nidens – Quinten Stark
Aya Jaff – Daniel Behrens – Roy Heine