If you have any technical problems, please contact us at
If you want to delete your Tradity account, please follow these steps:
1. write us an e-mail to support@tradity.de with your username
2. already done, that’s all you have to do
Operator and contact
Tradity e.V.
Association register number: 21553
Burgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar
Tax identification number: 22/654/49462
Phone: +49 1575 3687756 (Nicolas Pottmeier, General Management)
E-mail: nicolas.pottmeier@tradity.de
Phone: +49 173 6834932 (Maximilian Mandel, Chairman)
E-mail: maximilian.mandel@tradity.de
Notice of liability (disclaimer)
We would like to expressly emphasize that we have no influence whatsoever on the link text, the design, possible infringements of applicable rights, including trademark and title rights and the content of the linked pages. We expressly dissociate ourselves from the link formulations as well as from all contents of all pages to which we have set links and do not adopt their contents as our own. This declaration applies to all links on our website and to all content of the pages to which the banners or links registered with us lead.
We endeavor to publish information on our website that is as accurate and reliable as possible. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all published information. Any liability in the event of errors or omissions on our websites is excluded.