Education Week - Welcome!

Education Week gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge of the stock market, shares and investment strategies and also earn a bonus for the stock market game.

Every day of the week you will find information material that explains the stock market in more detail.

You then have the opportunity to put your knowledge to the test with a short quiz. For each completed quiz you will receive 3,000 Tradity Coins from us, which we will later credit to your account in the Tradity stock market game.

It’s up to you whether you read through a text every day or do everything at the end. The only important thing is that all quizzes close on Saturday, February 3rd at 18:00. After that we will unfortunately not be able to credit you with any more coins.

Learning and being rewarded for it? What more could you want?

So, get started, educate yourself and have fun playing!

Day 1-5

Education Week

Picture of Tag 1

Tag 1

Märkte, Preisbildung & Geldpolitik

Picture of Tag 2

Tag 2


Picture of Tag 3

Tag 3

Rund um die Börse & Aktienbewertung

Picture of Tag 4

Tag 4


Picture of Tag 5

Tag 5

Börsenpersönlichkeiten & Börsenweisheiten